So Remind Me Again, Why Do We Need the npm Registry?

While working on Supercomments [] , I regularly came across third-party Node.js packages whose version in the npm registry was not the one I wanted. In most cases this was because the maintainer hadn't updated the version for a while, although in at least…

Library of The Week: Humane.js

Having covered Vex [] and SweetAlert [], this week's topic is yet another notification library: Humane.js []. Humane has a slightly different purpose from the other two, which…

Library of The Week: Jailed

In the JavaScript world there is broad consensus about how to describe and exchange data: JSON. But some classes of application need more. In particular, you may need to describe and exchange behavior as well as data. It isn't easy to find a simple real-world example because you…

Library of The Week: SweetAlert

I have already written about Vex [], a library for creating modal dialogs. This week let's take a look at SweetAlert [], which is very similar to Vex. SweetAlert bills itself as "a beautiful replacement…

Library of The Week: Highland.js

A few weeks ago, writing about the increasingly obsolete Async.js, I promised to talk about Highland.js []. This library is by Caolan McMahon, who also wrote Async.js, and can be considered its successor. Highland can be used as an alternative to promises for handling asynchronous…