Every aspiring JavaScript developer should read and reread JavaScript Garden [http://bonsaiden.github.io/JavaScript-Garden/] (discovered via @javascripting [https://twitter.com/javascripting]), which provides a great overview of some of the most confusing and misunderstood JavaScript behavior. Experienced JS developers have probably learned most of this already, but may have…
JSDB.io is Now JavaScripting.com
When we acquired the JavaScripting.com [https://www.javascripting.com] domain well over a year ago, we had a vague idea that we could use it to set up a community website for JavaScript developers. After some thought, this idea crystallized into a vision of a web-based database for JavaScript…
Fastest Growing New Languages on Github are R, Rust and TypeScript (and Swift)
While researching TypeScript’s popularity I ran across a post by Adam Bard [http://adambard.com/blog/top-github-languages-for-2013-so-far/] listing the most popular languages on Github (as of August 30, 2013). Adam used the Google BigQuery [https://developers.google.com/bigquery/] interface to mine Github’s repository statistics. What really interested…
DOM Window Wrapper Update
A quick update to my previous post about creating a DOM window wrapper [https://blog.salsitasoft.com/2014/05/19/wrapping-the-dom-window-object/]. My colleague Tomas [https://github.com/realyze] pointed out that Browserify [http://browserify.org/] breaks if it is running inside the wrapper, due some code [https://github.com/defunctzombie/…
Wrapping the DOM Window Object
In order to enable Kitt [http://www.kitt.com], our iPhone web browser, to run browser extensions, we needed a way to run content scripts in a webpage. In Chrome, content scripts are run in a sandbox to prevent the two contexts from interfering with each other. They share only…