Library of The Week: spin.js

The spinning throbber is a standard UI element displayed on many websites when waiting for Ajax responses or other long-running operations. For a design-heavy marketing website, your graphic designer will probably tailor a fancy custom loading indicator. In other cases, a stock component is good enough. One solution is use…

Library of the Week: Autosize

Among other things, good user interface design means choosing the right size for form elements. Make a textarea too small, and the user won't have an overview of the text they are entering. It is especially hard to navigate around the text and modify it in this case.…

Library of The Week: Packery

Arranging differently sized items in a grid has been always a challenge. This is especially true if you want column-based layout because document flow is inherently row-oriented. There is promising solution that uses pure CSS: Flexbox []. The only problem is that it only works…

Library of The Week: Vex

Modal dialogs have been vilified by modern UX theory as overly disruptive. But sometimes you want to be disruptive, whether you want show a fatal error or need an unskippable dialog prompting the user for information. This week, let's take a short look at Vex [https://www.javascripting.…