The Problem with Redux... And How to Fix It

Redux has emerged as the preeminent framework for building React-based web applications. It perfectly complements React's declarative views with a straightforward and elegant architecture that brings some of the best ideas of software engineering theory (immutable global state, functional programming, Event Sourcing, CQRS, etc.) into the web development…

So Remind Me Again, Why Do We Need the npm Registry?

While working on Supercomments [] , I regularly came across third-party Node.js packages whose version in the npm registry was not the one I wanted. In most cases this was because the maintainer hadn't updated the version for a while, although in at least…

Library of the Week: Autosize

Among other things, good user interface design means choosing the right size for form elements. Make a textarea too small, and the user won't have an overview of the text they are entering. It is especially hard to navigate around the text and modify it in this case.…